The herbaceous, citrusy notes of Luxardo Bitter Rosso add a distinctive and unmistakable flavor profile to our version of this cocktail, working in tandem with the sweetness of the vermouth and spice of the bourbon to create a perfectly balanced drink.
1 ½ oz. bourbon or rye whiskey
1 oz. Luxardo Bitter Rosso
1 oz. rosso (sweet) vermouth
Orange twist for garnish
Step 1
Add ice to a mixing glass.
Step 2
Pour in liquid ingredients, and stir (don’t shake, seriously) until chilled.
Step 3
Strain into a rocks glass, and garnish with an orange twist.
Year of Origin
Snuggle up with this warmer take on a classic Negroni.
Make this classic at home.
Luxardo Bitter Rosso
reated by American-born socialite Erskine
Gwynne, who founded a monthly magazine in
Paris titled — you guessed it — Boulevardier, this simple riff on a Negroni swaps out gin for bourbon or rye whiskey. Loosely translated as “man-about-town”, the Boulevardier is a balanced combination of sweetness, spice, and bitterness that always rings true, no matter which boulevards you may call home.
"Now is the time for all good Barflies to come to the aid of the party, since Erskine Gwynne crashed in with his Boulevardier Cocktail,” wrote famed bartender Harry McElhone in his classic 1927 book Barflies and Cocktails — and more than a century later, those words still ring true.

Looking for more? Shake (or stir) one of these up: